Author Guidelines
Jurnal Ilmiah Intech : Information Technology Journal of UMUS is a scientific journal published by the Informatics Engineering Study Program, Muhadi Setiabudi University (UMUS) Brebes is a publication forum for lecturers who have scientific research in the field of Computer Science (Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Data Mining, Expert System, Decision Support System) and Informatics (Web Programming, Mobile Computing, Computer Network, Information System Development, Database System, Security System) with the number ISSN 2685-4902 (media online).
Jurnal Ilmiah Intech : Information Technology Journal of UMUS thas been indexed in the Indonesian Scientific Journal Database (ISDJ), Google Cendekia dan Garuda. The Editorial Board of Jurnal Ilmiah Intech: Information Technology Journal of UMUS invites you to submit your manuscript to be published in this Journal. The examples of writing articles can be seen H E R E
Peer Review Process
All manuscripts submitted to Intech undergo a rigorous screening and review process to ensure that they fit into the journal's scope and are of sufficient academic quality and novelty to appeal to Intech's readership. Intech employs a double-blind peer review, in which both author(s) and reviewer's identities are concealed from each other.
Initial screening.A newly submitted manuscript will be screened by the Editor-in-Chief for its conformity to Intech’s scope and basic submission requirements.
Peer-review.If the manuscript passes the initial screening stage, it will be assigned to a handling editor, who will then send it to at least two experts in the relevant field to undergo a double-blind peer-review. Manuscripts that fail to pass the initial screening will be rejected without further review.
First decision.A decision on a peer-reviewed manuscript will only be made upon the receipt of at least two review reports. In cases where reports differ significantly, the handling editor will invite an additional reviewer to get a third opinion before making a decision. At this stage, a manuscript can either be rejected, asked for revisions (minor or major), accepted as is, or (if significant changes to the language or content are required) recommended for resubmission for a second review process. If it is accepted, the manuscript will be returned to the submitting author for formatting. The final decision to accept the manuscript will be made by the Editor-in-Chief based on the recommendation of the handling editor and following approval by the board of editors.
Revision stage. A manuscript that requires revisions will be returned to the submitting author, who will have up to three weeks to format and revise the manuscript, following which it will be reviewed by the handling editor. The handling editor will determine whether the changes are adequate and appropriate, as well as whether the author(s) sufficiently responded to the reviewers' comments and suggestions. If the revisions are deemed to be inadequate, this cycle will be repeated (the manuscript will be returned to the submitting author once more for further revision).
Final decision. At this stage, the revised manuscript will either be accepted or rejected. This decision is dependent on whether the handling editor finds the manuscript to have been improved to a level worthy of publication. If the author(s) are unable to make the required changes or have done so to a degree below Intech's standards, the manuscript will be rejected.
The procedure for writing the title, name, and address of the author
- The title of the article is a maximum of 12 words, with the font in Times New Roman, in 18pt (not in bold) and use capital letters at the beginning of each word (according to PUEBI rules)
- The author's name (written without an academic degree) should be written in Times New Roman font, 11pt in size and space 1. If the article has a correspondence author, the name of the corresponding author must be written first with a mark (*) followed by the second, third, and so on. Between the author one and the second author separated by a comma (,). The author's name must be written in full without any abbreviations.
- For affiliation, it is written in the following order: name of the study program, faculty, and the campus in Times New Roman font, size 10pt, and space 1;
- For e-mail, write down all the author's e-mail addresses, if there is a correspondence author, simply fill in the correspondence author's email
- The distance between the title and the author's identity is 2 line spaces.
General Guidelines for Manuscript Text
- The manuscripts that are sent are the results of research that have never been published in any publication media which is strengthened by filling in the form of a statement of authenticity H E R E
- The manuscript is typed using Microsoft word on A4 paper, 3cm top-bottom-right-left margins, 1 spacing, with a minimum number of pages of 10 pages and a maximum of 12 pages.
- The manuscript is written systematically as follows: (a) the title of the manuscript, (b) the author (without an academic degree), (c) the author's institution (consisting of: study programs, faculties, and institutions), (d) the author's email, (e) abstracts and keywords, (f) introduction, (g) research methods, (h) results and discussion, (i) conclusions, (j) bibliography.
- Subtitles (such as introduction, research method, results and discussion, conclusion) may not be numbered. Subtitles are written in capital letters and bold, size 12pt, and center-aligned.
- Words in foreign languages are written in italics. All numbers are written in Arabic numbering format, except for new sentences.
- All figures and tables included in the document must be adjusted to the order of 1 column or the full size of one paper with dots (.), Bold print, and must be accompanied by a sentence that refers to the figure/table.
- Submissions do not contain plagiarism. The editorial board will reject manuscripts that contain plagiarism above 30%
- Manuscripts that do not match the template will be immediately returned to the author before the review process
Manuscript Content Guidelines
- Manuscript title : The title of the manuscript must be informative, be written briefly, and clearly. The title must represent the issue to be discussed. Article titles are not allowed to contain non-general abbreviations.
- Abstracts : Abstracts are written in two languages, namely Indonesian and English. The maximum abstract consists of 200 words italicized with 10 points Times New Roman and 1 line space. The abstract must be clear, descriptive, and must provide a brief description of the problem under study. The abstract includes the reasons for choosing the topic or the importance of the research topic, the methods used to solve the problem, and a summary of the results. The abstract should end with a comment about the importance of the result or a brief conclusion.
- Introduction : The introduction describes the background of the problem being resolved, issues related to the problem being resolved, reviews of previous studies by other researchers that are relevant to the research being carried out. The introduction is written in Times New Roman, the size of 11 points
- Research Methods : The research method includes problem analysis, architecture, or design of methods used to solve problems. Problem analysis describes the problems that exist and is resolved in this study. The design describes how to solve the problem and should be presented in the diagrammatic form with a complete explanation. For example, data processing diagrams, from raw data to completion, hardware design diagrams. The research method is written in Times New Roman font size 11 points
- Results and Discussion : This section contains the results of research or experiments and analysis of research results or experimental results. Experimental results should be represented in a relevant form, for example in graphs or tables. The discussion on the results of the research and testing obtained is presented in the form of theoretical description, both qualitatively and quantitatively.
- Conclusion: Conclusions should indicate clearly the results obtained and the advantages and disadvantages. Conclusions in the form of paragraphs, must not be in the form of bullet points or bullets or numbering.
- Bibliography : Bibliography that is listed is at least 10 and only contains references that are referred to as written manuscripts, not just those listed. The bibliography is written in the order in which the references appear in the manuscript, not in alphabetical orders.
- Reference: references are written using the IEEE system format (with URL / DOI)
Guidelines for writing citations and references
References are written using the IEEE system format (including URL / DOI), where the composition of the references used is a minimum of 80% of primary references (journals, proceedings) and a maximum of 20% of secondary references (textbooks) published in the last 10 years using mendeley, endnote, zotero etc