Author Guidelines


  1. The article, written for the AGRIVASI Journal, covers the results of thoughts and research results in the field of agribusiness studies.
  2. The manuscript is typed in Times New Roman font, size 12 pts, with a space of 1.5 spaces, on A4 paper 15-25 pages long, with provisions of a margin of 3 cm on the top margin, 2.5 cm bottom margin 3 cm on the left margin, and 2.5 cm on the right margin. With single-column formatting.
  3. The file is created with a high-oslusion pdf file and Microsoft Word (RTF extension). The author's name is listed without an academic degree and placed below the article title.
  4. The author should include the address of the institution and e-mail for easy communication.
  5. All section and sub-section headings are in bold.
  6. The systematics of writing research articles are: title; author's name (without academic degree); abstract (maximum 150 words) containing research objectives, methods, and results; Keywords; introduction (untitled) containing background, a little literature review, research objectives, methods; Discussion; conclusions and suggestions; Bibliography (contains only referenced sources).
  7. Research abstract is in English and Indonesian, the research abstract must contain the title, objectives, methods, and research findings.